Navarro County Sheriff's Office
Navarro County Sheriff's Office has been providing law enforcement services to the citizens of Navarro County since 1846.
Since 1846 there have been 35 persons elected or appointed as Sheriff of Navarro County.
The Sheriffs' Association of Texas met for the first time on August 14, 1874, in the courthouse in Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas.
Navarro County consists of approximately 1085 square miles with a population of approximately 48,100 (2014 Census). The Navarro County Sheriff's Office patrols approximately 1200 miles of roads as the primary law enforcement service for the unincorporated areas of Navarro County.
The Navarro County Justice Center was completed an opened in 1988 at a cost of $6,000,000.00. It had an original capacity of 162 inmates. Due to overcrowding an annex was completed in 1996 that expanded the facility to our current capacity of 290 inmates.
Our law enforcement services include Patrol Division, Criminal Investigation Division, Narcotics Division, 911 Emergency Dispatch Division, Detention Division, Civil Division, along with administrative and tactical support.
Please use this site to be kept informed about the Navarro County Sheriff's Office, its operations, and the services we provide to the citizens of Navarro County.