Monthly Report for July 2022
Dear Citizens,
I am very pleased and proud to announce that once again for the tenth year in a row since becoming Sheriff, the Navarro County Jail has passed the Texas Commission on Jail Standards annual jail inspection. As you know by now, there is no warning of when an inspection will take place, we only know it will be conducted sometime during the calendar year. Again as with years past, I give credit to all the hard working supervisors and employees of our Detention Division as it is no easy task to keep up with the numerous state rules, continuously changing regulations and state mandates all while trying to consistently maintain a 34-year-old facility.
We are still facing many difficult tasks regarding COVID, it's restrictions and all the medical issues in dealing with not only the inmates, but the staff as well. The numerous unfilled correctional positions which we continually deal with in itself, is also a separate but constant challenge. Keeping maintenance and operational costs at a minimum while maintaining an inmate population of over 250 prisoners daily, and all that goes with, I can assure you, is by no means an easy task. I commend those in my detention staff who continue to work diligently together as a team to maintain the daily operations of the facility. I truly do appreciate and thank each and every one of you for another job well done.
"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team." - Phil Jackson.
Again, thank you to all the members on my team.
As with the past ten years, the Navarro County Sheriff's Office offered and hosted a free eight-hour Active Shooter Response Training. This training took place over two days and was, and always has been, made available to ALL Law Enforcement Officers who work in Navarro County. This training, which is now more important than is very serious and made as close as possible to a real active shooter event. I have always felt it necessary and of great significance to give this opportunity to all those invited and willing to attend. My officers, instructors and I want to insure that our other local agencies are also able to have this opportunity to work together and have instruction on response to active shooter training especially in these unfortunate times we are continuing to deal with. I want to thank our NCSO instructors, the officers and agencies who participated in this year's annual training. We also would like to thank the CISD for allowing us to utilize their facility for this very important and potentially lifesaving training.
Last month we began to publish a new concept on our NCSO Facebook page called "Wanted Wednesday". This is in conjunction with our local Crime Stoppers program which by the way, is the second oldest crime stopper program in Texas. If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of any Wanted Wednesday suspect and would like to remain anonymous, please contact Crime Stoppers at 903-874-8477, submit a tip online at or download the app P3 Tips. Reward available. #WantedWednesday #NavCoCrimeStoppers. Lets all work together to get these fugitives off the street.
Please remember with our unfortunate drought situation, the Commissioners Court enacted the Burn Ban and it is still in effect until further notice.
This month we are proud to introduce our new officers:
Randall Boutinghouse has been hired as our newest communications officer and Kenneth Smith has been hired as our newest correctional officer. We wish them both all the best with their new positions at the NCSO.
The Sheriff's Office had approximately 3,062 calls for service in July and our dispatch received 2,316 calls for assistance to 9-1-1. There were approximately 202 persons arrested and booked into the Navarro County Justice Center and the average daily jail population was 249 inmates. Twelve inmates were transferred to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and five inmates were transferred to State Jail and SAFP Units to serve their sentences. In July, we estrayed two donkeys, hauled them to our county farm at Petty's Chapel, sold two estray cows and one estray bull at Corsicana Livestock Auction as well as one estray horse at Elkhart Horse Sale. The total sale of estray livestock for the month of July is $ 1,830.37.
We are accepting applications for all divisions and currently have vacancies in detention, dispatch, patrol, courthouse security, administration and the criminal investigation division. Remember the hiring age for dispatch and detention has been lowered to 18 but with all other enforcement positions, you must be 21 or older to apply. As in the past, applications will continue to be taken for any vacancy until the position is filled.
Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one."
- Bruce Lee
God Bless, God Bless the United States of America and as always be safe and please, I ask that you pray for rain.
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